Monday, August 30, 2010

Watercress Pork Ribs Soup With Luóhàn Guǒ

I met 3 persons with sore throat today. One of them is my hubby. That's why I decided to cook this soup, because this soup is good and soothing for the throat. I hope that through this recipe below, more people will benefit from this simple soup.

Preparation Time; 10 minutes
Cooking Time: 40 minutes
Servings: 2
Difficulty: Easy


- 200 gr pork ribs or twee bak (pork belly / shoulder) - depending on your budget :P
- 200 gr watercress (西洋菜)
- 1 medium size luohan guo (罗汉果 - luóhàn guǒ)
It is sweet and has a unique flavour. If you are uncertain about the taste, I suggest you to take half of fruit for a big pot of soup
- 1 tbsp wolfberries
- water
- salt


1. Cut twee bak (don't cut too small). Get rid of all the fats if you are particular like me.

2. Wash the watercress thoroughly and cut into shorter sections

3. Crack open the luohan guo (if it is too hard, you can crack it with the back of your knife)

We only use the meat inside..

4. Boil the water in the pot
5. Place the raw pork into the boiled water for a few seconds, pour away the water (This is to set meat so that the blood does not make a cloudy stock)
6. Pour 1 liter water into the pot
7. Add wolfberries, luohan guo and watercress

I took the picture before I put the watercress in :)

8. Lower the heat to a slow simmer
9. Cook it for around 40 minutes
10. When you are ready to serve it, discard the luohan guo and add salt to your taste and bring it to a boil
11. Serve hot

Result: A happy hubby :D

I asked him to drink the soup.. Get well soon dear :)

Wolfberry is good for:
- Support healthy immune system
- Anti-aging
- Cancer prevention
- Liver protection
- Hemopoiesis promoter
- Vision improvement

Watercress contains high iron, which makes it blood-enriching and excellent for the treatment of anaemia. It is classified as cooling, yet blood enriching food source. It helps to strengthen the lungs, thereby preventing common cold and reduces allergic symptoms such as asthma and nasal inflammation

Luohan guo is cooling and taste sweet. It is good for:
- Dryness in mouth and nose, or throat thirst;
- Dry cough with little phlegm;
- Dryness of skin in women, even chapped or ugly skin;
- Withered
- Malnourished hair, even resulting in hair loss;
- Sometimes constipation.

Of course it will be nicer if you use pork ribs :) But for us, twee bak is still ok :P. You can also add some red dates if you like.


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