Monday, October 25, 2010

Pan-Fried Dumpling (Guo Tie 锅贴)

Today I was planning to make guo tie. But everything went wrong! The garlic chives turns out bad, the sesame oil was out, the bean vermicelli (so hoon) that I bought turns out to be rice vermicelli (bee hoon), and to make things even worse.. the gyonza skin that I kept in the fridge got fungus...

So I asked my hungry hubby to go to the market to buy some dishes (since we already cooked the rice) and to buy some gyonza skin + sesame oil.

We went home around 8pm, and I manage to wrapped and cooked the guo tie in 15 minutes. The guo tie turned out to be just nice. Even though we had our dinner very very late, but I think it's worth it haha..

Preparation Time: 20 minutes
Cooking Time: 8-10 minutes
Servings: 2
Difficulty: Medium

- 120gr mince meat
- 120gr shelled and deveined prawns
- 2 cloves of garlic finely minced
- 1 tbsp garlic chives (ku chai)
- 1 tbsp spring onion
- 1 tbsp bean vermicelli
- 0.5 yellow toufu, cut into small pieces (normally I used yunyi toufu)
- 1 tsp salt
- 0.5 tsp white pepper
- 0.5 tsp sugar
- 1 tbsp sesame oil
- 0.5 tbsp tapioca starch
- 1 tbsp soy sauce (Kikoman)
- 1 tbsp Chinese wine
- gyoza skin, as needed (The wrappers are round and a little thicker than wonton wrappers)
- 3 tbsp cooking oil
- Soy sauce
- Rice vinegar
- 3 slices ginger, sliced thinly

1. Combine the mince meat, prawns, garlic, ku chai, spring onion, toufu and bean vermicelli with salt, pepper, sugar, sesame oil, tapioca starch, soy sauce and chinese wine

If you noticed, I didn't put the toufu coz I cannot find yunyi toufu here. So if you are in Bandung, wah.... you are lucky...

2. Fill the gyoza skin --> check here to know how to wrap it

I was very hungry and in a hurry so I couldn't check the internet on how to wrap the guo tie properly. Nevertheless, I still manage to wrap it nicely.

3. Cover the bottom of the skillet with the cooking oil
4. Arrange the guo tie in the skillet
5. Pan-fry on high heat for about 2 minutes
6. Add about 1.5cm inch of water, quickly cover the pan, reduce the heat to medium high, and let it cook for about 5 minutes until the water evaporates.
7. Serve with the dipping sauce

I didn't take a lot of pictures coz I was in a hurry and quite hungry -_-!

Lucky, the guo tie taste quite good haha! It is the first time I cooked the dish. Well.. there's always room for improvement.


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